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Why You Should Get Pedicures Year Round

Every year around this time you’ll hear women say that it’s the return to shoe and boot weather; that is the return to your feet being concealed in whatever footwear of your choosing. All summer (and sometimes spring) long toes and feet were on display, as were our legs, and women made sure to keep up with their tight every two week pedicure schedule. But, once the temperatures start to decline and socks go on the pedicure appointments get fewer and fewer. It’s not unusual to hear women say things like “Nobody’s gonna see my feet, so I’ll go back to getting my feet done when it starts getting warm out again.” Actually, the practice of stopping pedicures till the hotter climate returns seems like a regular practice of most women. I’m here to tell you why that shouldn’t be the case: Your feet actually need pedicures more in the colder weather than in the warmer weather. This is because cold weather can be absolutely brutal on tootsies. Cold climates sap up moisture and your feet have no ability to moisturize themselves except for that which you apply to them, much like hands. As you step into snow and in and out of the outside versus the inside of work, home, etc, your feet struggle to keep up. The shifting temps take their toll on tootsies. The lotions, oils, humectants applied to feet during a pedicure, along with the massage, keeps toes and feet agile and supple. Pedicures are not frivolous. Pedi’s aren’t a show-off activity. They’re actually necessary for good grooming. That’s right, the same care needed for cuticles on your hands goes for your feet. Foot cuticles matter too. Lol. Without maintenance those cuticles can become just as overgrown and ragged as on your hands when you go without manicures, but worse, because your feet literally carry you. Also, ingrown toenails and the nuisance and pain beds that they are can be avoided by the regular pushing back of toe cuticles. Without proper foot care you can experience cracked heels and calluses. Both of which are easily avoidable. Cracked heels can lead to medical problems. Shocked? Don’t be. One of the things that should be taking place when you get or give yourself a pedi is exfoliation, with a good scrub and/or with a tool. If you don’t exfoliate the dead skin piles on and piles on, creating layers and layers of neglected skin. Don’t forget that skin is your biggest organ and the skin on your feet is part of this, of you, and deserves just as much attention as the rest of you. Lastly, YOU will see your feet. Pedicures aren’t for others. Yes, it’s nice to display fancy nail art and whatever colors you’ve chosen to go with whichever outfit you’re wearing. But really pedicures are for Y-O-U to have and enjoy. You feel better when you think you look good and the key to looking good is good grooming. Plus, you feel better looking down and seeing something pretty, knowing that you’ve put some effort into yourself and your look.  

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